My first Easter was really amazing! My Auntie Meg came up from Charlotte early to spend some quality time with me, mommy and daddy! She even took me on a "walk" After tons of TLC we were off the Nana and Pap's! I haven't seen them in so long..especially my Pap! I got lots of hugs and kisses too! I even got to see my Uncle Jay!!
Easter Sunday the Easter Bunny knew I was at my Nana's and he left me a basket full of candy and a stuffed animal of well..himself :0 After breakfast we put on our Sunday best and were off to church.. After church we went to the club and I got to see the real Easter Bunny! I wasn't freaked out by him..just intriuged!
While my mommy, daddy and the rest of the family were stuffing their bellies with tons of goodies, I was passed around to be admired by all!!! I have to admit it doesn't get old hearing I am the cutuest... because its no lie... I am :)
All in all it was a wonderful Easter Weekend!
Check me out with the Easter Bunny!! Hmmm.. don't know about him
On another note.. take a look at these videos.. one of me taking a stroll with my Auntie Meg... and one of my daddy taking a whack at golf.. he just got customed made clubs from my Nana and Pap for Christmas.. from the look of his swing he looks like a natural!!!
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