My first Easter was really amazing! My Auntie Meg came up from Charlotte early to spend some quality time with me, mommy and daddy! She even took me on a "walk" After tons of TLC we were off the Nana and Pap's! I haven't seen them in so long..especially my Pap! I got lots of hugs and kisses too! I even got to see my Uncle Jay!!
Easter Sunday the Easter Bunny knew I was at my Nana's and he left me a basket full of candy and a stuffed animal of well..himself :0 After breakfast we put on our Sunday best and were off to church.. After church we went to the club and I got to see the real Easter Bunny! I wasn't freaked out by him..just intriuged!
While my mommy, daddy and the rest of the family were stuffing their bellies with tons of goodies, I was passed around to be admired by all!!! I have to admit it doesn't get old hearing I am the cutuest... because its no lie... I am :)
All in all it was a wonderful Easter Weekend!
Check me out with the Easter Bunny!! Hmmm.. don't know about him

My findings from the Easter Egg Hunt.. well I really didn't get to collect these personally! My mommy grabbed a basket with these goodies for me!

My daddy!! I am looking more and more like him every day!! I love you daddy!!

My Uncle Jay, Auntie Meg and myself... here is where the everyone goes crazy over me!!

My "Aunt" Theresa!! Yea... she's lost it... over me... Please don't blame her.. she's only human :)

How do you guys like my outfit.. can't see it really.. except my milk belly!!

This is me at the end of the day! I am pooped!
On another note.. take a look at these videos.. one of me taking a stroll with my Auntie Meg... and one of my daddy taking a whack at golf.. he just got customed made clubs from my Nana and Pap for Christmas.. from the look of his swing he looks like a natural!!!