Oh my goodness, I thought that my child was going to have a nervous breakdown this morning! His all time, favorite, can't sleep w/out blankey George was NO WHERE TO BE FOUND!!! You are now wondering who in the right mind would name a blanket "George".. well.. from the minute he was introduced to this blanket he just LOVED it!! we didn't have a name for a long time.. just blankey.. then one day I come home and John is asking where "George" is!!!! He kept saying, "Jake, let's find go find George so you can take a nap.." At this point, I am looking at my husband as if he has completely lost his marbles!!! I say, "who are you talking about babe... who's George and why are we looking for man who will help our infant child take a nap.." Then he shows me blankey and turn it over and the maker of the blanket is George.. so thus the name!! Anywho, this am our child REALLY needed a nap!!! woke up at 5:30 am and was Mr. Cranky Pants all morning!!! so finally its time for the bottle and George and Nap.... got the bottle and George is no where to be found.. I looked everywhere.. his bed, our bed, under the bed, in our family room.. finally after bitterly crying for 25 minutes while I searche and navigate my entire house for George, he falls asleep.... to wake up 45 minutes later!!! Needless to say I finally found George... it was stuck in his pack and play underneath all his toys!! don't know how that happened.. Take a look at how happy he was to finally reunite w/ George!!