My first plan ride down to Florida was great! I had no problems on the plane...just slept :) My mommy was worried about my ears and traveling by ourselves! But all went well.. When I got down to sunny Florida I got to spend some quality time with my Gramps while mommy and Granny Myra went and got a day of beauty!! She loved her massage and facial! But a day later Gramps got really sick :( But still had a great time swimming with mommy and Granny Myra. I also got to see Jupiter and Singer Island... My mommy and me missed daddy sooo much... But don't worry we are all going down as a family in April!!!

How do you like my hat??? It has a matching bathing suit but its a little too big... But still really cute! Thanks Granny Myra!!


My mommy and me swimming... She dunked me and I LOVED IT!!! I can't wait until my daddy can go swimming with me...

Granny Myra and me!

My Gramps and me doing our morning routine.. Mommy would feed me breakfast and then she would give me to Gramps and we would just veg out watching the stock market!! He was really into it!!