Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Like Father Like Son!!!...
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Too Much To Do!!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Christmas Card Pics!!...
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Turkey Day!!...
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Not a good week!!!...
We were rushed into the ER and at this point the doctors are telling us he definitely needs stitches and wants to know if we want him to do it or call a plastic surgeon.. before he can say another word I tell him to call the plastic surgeon.. I didn't want the ER doc to go at my son and take the chance of scaring! We wait for about 45 minutes for the surgeon to arrive.. and this is where my real nightmare begins... they proceed to wrap my child up like a mummy and tape his shoulders and thighs.. he literally can't move and his screaming and crying!!! I then have to hold him down while they inject needles in 5 DIFFERENT places in his cheek!!!! I am shaking and balling at this point and all I want to do is wake up from his nightmare!!! The surgeon puts in 5 stitches in each site was told to keep an eye on it because they might get infected!
The next 2 days I am washing and changing his dressings twice a day... then on Friday I KNOW SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT!!! I called our pediatrician and tell him that one of the areas looks infected! I tell him that every time I go near the area to clean it HE.GOES.BONKERS!!! I can just lightly touch it and he screams in utter pain! The pediatrician tells me to come in so they can look at it... He proceeds to tell me that the stitches look "excellent" and that I have nothing to worry about!!! I feel somewhat better but still alittle worried!
So its 5:30 pm and he's bathing I am cleaning the dressing and I see puss coming out! Out of the tub and I am rushing to the ER.. I call the plastic surgeon and he tells me NOT TO GO TO THE ER!! He will keep his office open for me so he can personally see Jakey.. We live 45 minutes away from his office!!! (Oh BTW, John is on his way home from a 2 day business trip from NYC! He meets us at the doc's office)
The minute he looks at Jake's face he tells me that "a mother's instinct is never wrong.." the areas are infected... Now I have to hold my child down again while he proceeds to take out some stitches and drain out the puss UGH!!!.. in the middle of it John walks in.. He tells me to go out of the room and he will take over from here!! I go out to the waiting area to hear my son screaming like he did on Tuesday night!!
After what seemed like forever, John and Jakey come out!!... It's finally over! Thank God!!! Our follow up appointment is this Monday and hopefully the rest of the stitches come out and we can go on living somewhat normal!! Even w/ all this traumatic instance, he's still our happy go lucky son!! God bless him!!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
1 year Check Up!!!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Just a quick update....
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Happy 1st Birthday Jake!!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
For My Auntie Megs!!!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Calling All Moms.. Your Help is Needed!!!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Gearin' up to the BIG -1st Bday!!!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Where's George?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Molars, Colds and everything else in between!!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Fightin' a Serious Cold!!!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
My First Music Class!!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Daddy's Best Friend!!!
Jake is getting to recognize and understand his surroundings, things and people... especially HIS DADDY!!! It's pretty amazing I have to admit.. however he has a hard time pointing out the person who spends 24/7 w/ him while nurturing and caring for him!!... hmmmm... like ME!! his friggen mother!! Needless to say, its pretty amazing to watch this video... it melts John's heart every time he does this!! Enjoy!!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Busy Busy!!!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Last Days of Summer!!!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
9 Month Check Up!!....
Sunday, August 17, 2008
A random Birthday Party!
I love tupperware!!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
First word and more!!!
So.. he does it!! says his first word!! normally its the traditional "momma" or "dadda".. Oooohhh no not our son.. Jake's first word is "bye-bye"!!! to boot he waves "bye-bye"!!! He is now the bye-bye king!! Bye bye to daddy when he leaves for work, bye-bye to the techs who came to install our tvs, bye-bye to our neighbors.. you get the picture ;)
And just yesterday, while I am trying to straighten up his playroom, Jake stands up on his radio flyer wagon.. and... TAKES OFF!!! Now its good-bye and have a nice day to you mommy!!! He is just in constant motion all the time!! and now all he wants to do is "walk" w/ his wagon!!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Don't mess w/ my cookie!!!
I love cookies!!! enough said.. and so when my freakin' mommy tries to take it away from me not only do I get alittle annoyed.. I give her some 'tude so she knows its makin' me mad!! Can you blame me!! It tastes SOOO GOOD!!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Just another exiciting weekend!!!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Cutting molars + 9 month old drooler= NO SLEEP FOR MOMMY AND DADDY
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
On the Go! Go! Go!!!
I'm just sayin' I got a lot of exploring and learning to do!!! And the only way I can do that at this point is be on the go ALL THE TIME!!! God bless my mommy for trying to keep up w/ my pace! Poor lady!!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
In the Octagon!!!
In case you were all wondering why I've been banished to the "OCTAGON"... because I can roundhouse kick my BoSox bear and slap the you know what out of anything that gets in my way!!!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
My New Cousin ~ Alyssa Lee Rossetti
Friday, July 11, 2008
Boy oh Boy!
I can't believe in just about 4 months our precious boy will be turning 1!!! I'm so glad that he was born on Halloween!! I have tons and tons of GREAT ideas for his big milestone.. although I've been warned by my hubby not to go over the top because Jake will not remember it..but I know in his heart that I'm really not going to listen! Jake just amazes us everyday! He's so active and such an alpha boy. He plays with his trucks, smashes his toys and bangs the ever living crap out of everything he can get his hands on!!! He now has to eat his meals out of bowls that John and I eat out of w/ a regular spoon! He thinks he really is the cats meow;) He's eating real bananas (smashed up of course) and real applesauce! He's even gotten a taste of ice cream (thanks to this Nana!!) me I wasn't too thrilled! And just yesterday he realized that he can make things happen with his hands.. he started to wave "bye bye" on cue ;) He realizes that if we say and do the gesture that he is suppose to the same.. although his wave isn't perfect yet.. it more like a cupping gesture.. it's still an amazing thing to watch as a mommy! Hope you all enjoy it!!
Monday, July 7, 2008
My First 4th at Higgins Beach!!
Our visit w/ Gram in Boothbay, ME... It was so nice to see her!! She made us delicious lobster rolls!!