Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I am....

2 years old... I weigh 36 lbs and I am 38 inches tall!!! I am above 95 percentile for height and weight.. I wear 4 toddler tops and 3 toddler pants! I wear size 9 toddler shoe!! Again.. I just turned 2 last week!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Costume Take 2!!..

Well.. if you read my previous post, Jake was not so thrilled his first Halloween costume.. so super daddy made a run to the costume store and found a much more appropriate boy's costume!!! Super Man!! and boy did he LOVE IT!!! At first he gave us a fight to get into the costume.. but the minute he was in it... he loved it!!!
Our town always has a big Halloween parade through the center of town.. the kids go "trick or treating" at various shops on the green!! Jake met up with some of his buddies and had a blast!! Here are some pics! Enjoy!!

Striking a his best Super Man pose!!!

I'm Officially 2!!!!....

Our little man officially turned 2 on Halloween!!! The day before his official day, his preschool had a party/parade... he was supposed to have been Blue from Blue's Clues.. well that did not work out so well for our Jake. First off, I didn't fully realize Blue was a girl puppy.. second, the costume was a full on body suit with a head piece.. well the body suit was like wearing a fur suit and the head piece quite didn't fit our son's large head!!! He kept wanting to take the thing off!! poor child thought I was torturing him!! But he did enjoy his party!! Here are some pics!!

His class singing "Happy Birthday"
So happy :-)

Spider cupcakes!! So messy to eat but so fun!!

Looks really happy doesn't he?!

Check out the face!!

Much happier with the costume OFF!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Birthday Celebrations and More!!...

Last Saturday we had Jake's "friends" bday party!! It was loads of fun and VERY EASY for me ;) This coming week we have more birthday celebrating to do. John's dad and step-mom are coming into town for a visit... we are actually getting Aidan baptized on Sunday ;) On Friday Jake's preschool is having a Halloween parade/party.. we will also be celebrating his birthday with the rest of his school buddies!! CAN NOT wait to see all the kids in their costumes!!! Jake will be Blue's Clues this year!! Then on his actual birthday we will go trick or treating in town and we will give him his presents ;) then on Sunday the rest of the family will celebrate!! Plus celebrate Aidan's baptism!!! All in all it will be a crazy busy weekend but ALL worth it for our babies!! Here are some pics of his party from last Saturday!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

For You Lorrie ;)

A family friend ours asked why I hadn't uploaded new pics onto our blog.. she thought I ate bon bons and watched t.v all day :) LOL!!... well here you go Lorrie!! our sweet babies!!! Jake is thriving at preschool!! and making lots of new friends!!!! He's 2nd birthday is coming up at the end of the month!! I can't believe he will be 2!!! He's quite the character. He's got such a sweet and strong personality... I love it that he call me "Ma" or "Mom" like he's already 16 years old.. the days of "Momma" and "Mommy" are few and far between!! it's really hilarious to hear a 2 year old shout out "Ma" at the supermarket!! We are having his birthday party with all his friends on the 24th.. We are having it at a gymboree-like place.. it's called stay-and-play... the place sets up for you, provides any and everything you can need and the BEST part is the fact that it's not at my house :) On his actual birthday, Halloween, after trick or treating with his daddy, grampy and uncles we will have a couple of his close buddies over the cupcakes... then the following day John's mom, my parents and brother/sister-in-law and his cousins will be here to celebrate at his "family" bday party!! BOY he's a lucky little dude!!
Aidan is now 6 weeks old!! WOW!!! he's a little chunk of love :) He's had acid reflux since he was 3 weeks old.. we are now controlling it with prevacid... poor baby got that gene from the Slocum side!!! All in all we are well and getting a good routine down!! Hope all are well and I will try to be more aware to update the blog!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Introducing Aidan Thomas Slocum!!!...

Our newest addition was born on September 1st, 2009 at 8:25pm. Aidan weighed 6 lbs and 14 ozs and was 19 and 3/4 inches long!! When other parents express that each child is different, they couldn't be more accurate :-) Jake not only weighed 2 lbs more than Aidan but was about 2 inches longer!! Jake was delivered via C-Section and Aidan was born "naturally"... I put the word in quotes because there were drugs involved!!! COULD NOT have gone through 11 hours of labor without the drugs!! and having never felt a real contraction I was taken aback when I felt one!! HOLY MOLY!!! they are not a girl's best friend!!... Aidan just had his 2 week check up and we are happy to report that he's growing like a weed... just like his brother!! He's now 7 lbs 10 3/4 ozs and is 20 3/4 inches long! Jake is adjusting fairly well as a big brother and John and I are adjusting to surviving on 3 hours of sleep a night!!! (IT WILL GET BETTER IN TIME!!!) we hope :) Here are some pics of our babies!!!

Aidan chillaxin' in a chair that Jake lived in as an infant!! But Jake took up a lot more of the chair:)

Proud big brother!!!

Aidan Thomas!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of Preschool!!!...

Today was Jake's first day at the Madison Learning Center!! I was already getting teary this morning packing his bag and lunch!!.. I was immediately told by John that I packed him WAYYY too much :-) We both drove him to school!! As we entered the school I had flashbacks of his life.. although not long ;-) the day he was born, the day he crawled, the day he walked... then I'm thinking he's going to preschool!! granted its only for 4 hours/3 days a week.. still felt a little tinge in my heart!! He walked into the classroom as if he had been going there for years and immediately took a chair at the table to start playing with blocks!! He took to the environment right away and didn't even notice John had left!! I lingered for about 10 minutes or so then after a hug and a kiss from my little dude off I went!! And YES I cried a little in the parking lot but knew he was having the time of his life in there!!!

Our baby boy at 6 months!!

His 1st birthday!! I love this pic of him in his Halloween costume!!